"7 Proven Tips on How to Get Hair Extensions if You Have Curly Hair"

If you’ve got curly hair but been dreaming of sporting long and glam hair extensions, you don’t have to give up on that dream. With the right hair extension care, you can confidently flaunt your extra tresses. Whether you’re considering adding length, color, or volume to your hair, extensions can be a great solution.

If you’ve always had curly hair but want to try something new, hair extensions can be a great way to experiment with different hairdos without committing to any permanent style. Here are 7 tips and tricks to consider when getting hair extensions if you have curly hair:

1. Choose the right extensions - When considering extensions for curly hair, look for high-quality human hair extensions or wig pieces. Synthetic hair extensions are especially prone to tangling and matting. Human hair extensions are more expensive, but they will last longer and offer a softer and more natural look.

2. Shampoo and condition regularly - To prevent tangles, it’s essential that you keep your extensions clean. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to keep your extensions looking healthy and free of dirt.

3. Use a blow dryer for detangling - When it comes to curly hair, towels and brushes can cause a lot of damage. To detangle your extensions, use a blow dryer on a low setting.

4. Be gentle with your extensions - Whenever you’re brushing or styling your extensions, remember to be gentle. Ask your stylist for advice on how to properly use a wide-toothed comb or brush to avoid breakage and damage.

5. Wear heat protectant products - If you plan to braid, curl, or straighten your extensions, make sure to use heat protectant products. This will ensure your extensions stay healthy and looking good for a long time.

6. Use salon-quality products - You should also invest in products that are specifically designed for hair extensions. Your regular hair care products may be too harsh or damaging for your extensions, so look for special products that are specially created for extensions.

7. Style your extensions with care - It’s best to let your extensions air-dry after you wash them. If you must blow-dry your extensions, use a diffuser and work from the bottom up to avoid tangling the hair. It’s also best to avoid doing intricate hairstyles with extensions since these can cause tangles and matting.

With these tips and tricks, you can confidently rock your extensions no matter if you have curly hair or not. Be sure to consult a professional stylist to get the perfect look for your curly hair extensions. With the right care and styling, you’ll have gorgeous tresses to show off every day.

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